Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
"May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions."
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
What is significance of 0 & Y while using ( FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD, WFLOAD .....) .
-'0' refers to the ( Concurrent Program ) request ID , as Invocation isNOT from the concurrent program SRS where in each Concurrent Request is assigneda non-zero id.
- 'Y' is the value for a flag that indicates the method of invocation is directly from the command-line not from the SRS.
Note: SRS (Standard Request Submission)
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Meaning of Codes in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table?
A Waiting
B Resuming
C Normal
D Cancelled
E Error
F Scheduled
G Warning
H On Hold
I Normal
M No Manager
Q Standby
R Normal
S Suspended
T Terminating
U Disabled
W Paused
X Terminated
Z Waiting
PHASE_CODE column.
C Completed
I Inactive
P Pending
R Running
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Adding Datafile in Standby Database
1. Add a datafile in Production "alter tablespace TBS add datafile 'Path/file.dbf' size 2000M;"
2. Wait for log switch or do it.
3. Move the arch file to standby/DR location.
4. Recover standby "Recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;"
5. Above step will fail and give you one unamed file#. You can query the tablespace name etc like "select TB.NAME,DF.NAME from v$tablespace TB , v$datafile DF where TB.TS#=DF.TS# and DF.File#=345;"
6. Create datafile in Standby/DR instance with unamed file like "Alter database create datafile '/OH/dbs/UNNAMED00527' as '/Path/file.dbf';"
7. Recover standby/DR again "Recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;"
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Updating FND_USER
declare cursor cur1 is
select user_name from apps.fnd_user where LOWER(user_name) IN ('username','username', .......);
for all_user in cur1 loop
end loop;
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Note: Many Thanks to "hsawwan" for this.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sending file from unix as email attachement
uuencode File_Name File_Name : (Kindly use Pipe sign instead off colon) mailx -s "server file"
You will receive File which you have mentioned in File_Name as email attachment.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
IDM with WNA - Kerberose
"Current versions of OID are only certified with the shipped JDK version.Certification for JDK version 1.4.2_18 and OID is expected to be available in future AS/OID Patchset (not ETA available)."
So we have to revert back to same working old version till we have official release of
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Force All Application users to Change their password
Requires Patch 4676589 ATG RUP 4.
The script to expire all passwords in the fnd_user table is $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/AFCPEXPIRE.sql.
It can be executed from SQL*Plus or as a Concurrent Program: sqlplus -s APPS/
or Submit concurrent request: CP SQL*Plus Expire FND_USER Passwords
This script sets the fnd_user.password_date to null for all users which causes all user passwords to expire. It can also be run as a SQL*Plus concurrent program.
The user will need to create a new password upon the next login.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
No Responsibilities Are Available For The Given Connection Details At Login
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
BIB-7000 Cannot access X Server
While investigating realized this error was coming from Application tier where we do not have setting for Display, or I can say was set to somewhere else which was not working. As we didn't want to run Autoconfig again, what we did. We changed DISPLAY variable in file to our admin node Display setting and bounce Apache. Vola it worked.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
WNA Config with IDM version
1. Have the Solaris administrator update the krb5.conf file as below
default_realm = DOMAINNAME.COM
clockskew = 300
kdc =
kdc =
2. Have the AD administrator create a service account for the OracleAS Single Sign-On server in Microsoft Active Directory. AD administrator will then need to create a keytab file for the server, and map the service principal (the server) to the account name. The keytab file stores the server's secret key. This file enables the server to authenticate to the KDC. The service principal is the entity, in this case, the single sign-on server, to which the KDC grants session tickets. The Keytab file is generated using KTPASS command executed on the AD host.
Ktpass.exe /princ HTTP/
/mapop set
/kvno 1
/crypto DES-CBC-CRC
/out sso.keytab
The AD Administrator will provide the keytab file which needs to be “binary” ftp’d or copied to SSO mid-tier (where OC4J_SECURITY runs) in $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/config directory.
3. Backup following SSO files :
4. Configure WNA using ossoca.jar
$OH/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar wna \
-mode sso \
-ad_realm DOMAINNAME.COM \
Check login to and click login. It should take you with any challenge. If it works you are done.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
X- Windows
So what are the options available to finish this task. This is how you can proceed. Look at the box where VNC is running, run the following from this box to the one where vnc is not running:
ssh -X targethost -l username
it will prompt for password for that user and Vola you are in. You have to have ssh daemon running on target host otherwise it will not work. We completed are job and hope this helps others to do their job on time.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Implementation-5
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w password -b "cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" -s sub -v "OrclresourceName=orasso" grep orclpasswordattribute
Once you get the orasso passsword from OID post login to Application tier of Oracle EBiz and move to $FND_TOP/bin and add $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/lib under $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to avoid any errors while registering.
Run this commmand and provide information required: $FND_TOP/bin/ -script=SetSSOReg
Enter the host name where Oracle iAS Infrastructure database is installed ?
Enter the Oracle iAS Infrastructure database port number ?
Enter the Oracle iAS Infrastructure database SID ?
Enter the LDAP Port on Oracle Internet Directory server ?
Enter Oracle E-Business apps database user password ?
Enter Oracle iAS Infrastructure database ORASSO schema password ?
Enter Oracle E-Business SYSTEM database user password ?
Enter E-Business Suite existing SSOSDK schema password or choose a password to use with the new SSOSDK schema if the schema does not exist ?
Enter the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator (orcladmin) Bind password ?
Enter the instance password that you would like to register this application instance with ?
Once the required all aove information is provided you will see the scroll up with:
Program : $FND_TOP/bin/ started @ Thu Aug 28 04:32:53 2008
*** Log File = $OAD_TOP/rgf/SID/sso/txkSetSSOReg_Thu_Aug_28_04_31_58_2008.log
######################## WARNING ########################################This application works with SSOSDK version 9.0.2 or higher. If lower version(3.0.9) of SSOSDK was installed in your system and you have a registeredpartner application, this process will remove the 3.0.9 version of the SSOSDKschema and install the 9.0.2 version.
######################## WARNING ########################################
Beginning input parameter validation for SSO registration. Beginning loading SSO SDK into database if necessary. Loading of SSO SDK into database completed successfully.Input parameter validation for SSO registration completed.Beginning input parameter validation for OID registration.Input parameters validation for OID registration completed.
Beginning to register partner application.Partner application has been registered successfully.Single Sign-On partner application registered successfully.
Beginning to register Application and Service containers if necessary.Application and Service containers were created successfully.Beginning to register application in Oracle Internet Directory.Registration of application in Oracle Internet Directory completed successfully.Beginning to register instance password in Oracle Internet Directory.Registration of instance password in Oracle Internet Directory completed successfully.Beginning to test application registration in Oracle Internet Directory.Testing of application registration in Oracle Internet Directory completed successfully.Beginning to register provisioning profile in Oracle Internet Directory.Registration of provisioning profile in Oracle Internet Directory completed successfully.Application is now registered successfully with provisioning in Oracle Internet Directory.End of $FND_TOP/bin/ : No Errors encountered
Great you are done registering your apps instance as patner application with OID. Now if you try to access your Apps instance you will challenged by SSO. you have to provide your AD username and password to get in.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Implementation-4
User passwords are maintained in Active Directory. For every AD user in enterprise LDAP directory the synchronization connector will maintain a shadow entry in Oracle Internet Directory of the type “orclADUser”.
For such users Oracle Internet Directory will need to forward authentication request to Active Directory.
On the host where OID component is installed execute the following command:
$OH/bin/dipassistant ea \
-D cn=orcladmin \
-t AD
The following configuration parameters need to be set:
· Active Directory host and port number – AD LDAP host and port,
· Active Directory failover configuration - Secondary AD LDAP host and port,
· Invocation Naming Context – OID user container
. Second failover Activer Directory - If you have.
Once this is done, you can test and login with your AD username and password and you will be able to login. Vola Setup is done for OID and AD Integration. Now in next note we will do the setup at Ebiz Apps end to register that with Patner Application with OID.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Implementation-3
Access OID administration tool as “orcladmin” super-user. Navigate to “Integration Server” -> “Configuration Set 1”. Select the import profile “ActiveChgImp” and click edit. This should display the profile attributes. Enable the profile and save the modified profile
But in IDM 1.4.2, here are the steps to follow:
Profiles are now managed with the Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Server Administration tool ...e.g.. dipassistant -gui
To incorporate these changes into the upgraded OID please do the following:
1. launch the admin tool (dipassistant -gui) and navigate to Connector Group Management and expand the tree. Notice that there are two entries:
- defaultgroup
- configset1
2. Expand configset1 to see the old synchronization profiles.
3. Since a 'profile group' must now be supplied when starting odisrv it is recommended to rename this 'configset' as it will become confusing when starting the server. To rename the profile group:
- highlight configset1 and right click the mouse, then select rename
Give it a new name, for instance: Group1 and click OK
4. The defaultgroup contains NO profiles after the upgrade so one may wish to (re)associate any profiles previously configured and enabled to become part of the default group. To do so:
- expand the Group1
- highlight the profile to be made part of default group, then click Dissociate Profile (you will be prompted to confirm, note that when confirmed it will disappear from the list)
- highlight the defaultgroup and click Associate Profile
- highlight the profile from the list and click Select (the new profile will now appear in the defaultgroup)
NOTE: One MUST always Dissociate a profile before Associating it with a new group.
5. Start the odisrv using the additional grpID flag: For example:
oidctl connect=orcl server=odisrv instance=2 configset=1 flags="host=jdsmith-us port=13060 grpid=defaultgroup debug=63" start
Check the logs under $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/log directory for synchronization errors in “ActiveChgImp.trc” and “ActiveChgImp.aud”
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Implementation-2
1. Create the “mapping rules” listed her and save to a file named “”
OU=OU_MYUSERS,DC=corp,DC=mygrp,DC=com:cn=adusers,cn=users,dc=corp, dc=mygrp, dc=com:
# attribute rule common to all objects
objectguid: :binary: :orclobjectguid:string: :bin2b64(objectguid)
ObjectSID: :binary: :orclObjectSID:string: :bin2b64(ObjectSID)
distinguishedName: : : :orclSourceObjectDN: :orclADObject
# attribute rule for mapping windows organizationalunit
ou: : :organizationalunit:ou: : organizationalunit
# attribute rule for mapping directory containers
cn: : :container: cn: :orclContainer
# attribute rule for mapping directordomains
dc: : :domain: dc: :domain
# attribute rule for mapping windows LOGIN id
sAMAccountName,userPrincipalName: : :user:orclSAMAccountName: :orclADUser:sAMAccountNametrunc(userPrincipalName,'@')
# attribute rule for mapping Active Directory LOGIN id
userPrincipalName: : :user:orclUserPrincipalName: :orclADUser:userPrincipalName
# Map the userprincipalname to the nickname attr by default
samAccountName,userPrincipalName: : :user:uid: :inetorgperson:sAMAccountNametrunc(userPrincipalName,'@')
# Assign the userprincipalname to Kerberos principalname
# userPrincipalName: : :user:krbPrincipalName: :orcluserv2:trunc(userPrincipalName,'@')+'@'+toupper(truncl(userPrincipalName,
samAccountName: : :user:krbPrincipalName: :orcluserv2:samAccountName+'@'+'DOMAINNAME.COM'
# This rule is mapped as SAMAccountName is a mandatory attr on AD
# and sn is mandatory on OID. sn is not mandatory on Active Directory
sn,SAMAccountName: : :person:sn: : person:snSAMAccountName
# attributes to map to cn - normally this is the given name
cn: : :person:cn: :person:
# attribute rule for mapping entry and to create orclUserV2
# There should be a mapping rule with orcluserv2 objectclass
# without which the PORTAL may not function properly
givenName: : :user:displayName: :inetorgperson:
employeeID: : :user:employeeNumber: :inetOrgPerson:
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: : :user:physicalDeliveryOfficeName: :organizationalPerson:
title: : :user:title: :organizationalPerson:
mobile: : :organizationalperson:mobile: :inetorgperson:
telephonenumber: : :organizationalperson:telephonenumber: :inetorgperson:
facsimileTelephoneNumber: : :organizationalperson:facsimileTelephoneNumber: :inetorgperson:
l: : :user:l: :organizationalperson:
# mail needs to be assigned valid value for default settings in DAS
userPrincipalName: : :user:mail: :inetorgperson:
cn: : :group:cn: :groupofuniquenames:
# displayname needs to be assigned a valid value for default settings on DAS
SAMAccountName: : :group:displayName: :orclgroup:
# Description needs tobe assigned a valid value for default settings on DAS
Description: : :group:Description: :groupOfUniqueNames:
member: : :group:uniquemember: :groupofUniqueNames:
managedby: : :group:owner: :orclprivilegegroup:
sAMAccountName: : :group:orclSAMAccountName: :orclADGroup:
2. Create the “Import Profile Configuration” listed here and save to a file named “ActiveChgImp.cfg”
Package: gsi
Reader: ActiveChgReader
SkipErrorToSyncNextChange: true
SearchDeltaSize: 500
3. Replace the “-h” OID host and “-p” port in the command below and execute:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dipassistant modifyprofile \
-h \
-p 389 \
-D cn=orcladmin \
-profile ActiveChgImp \
odip.profile.condiraccount="ADUSERname" \
odip.profile.condirurl="activedirectoryhostname:389" \
odip.profile.configfile="ActiveChgImp.cfg" \
odip.profile.condirfilter="((objectclass=organizationalunit)(&(objectclass=user)(!(objectclass=computer))))" \
4. On the IDM host where OID component is installed, replace the “-h” OID host and “-p” port in the command below and execute:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dipassistant bootstrap \
-D “cn=orcladmin” \
-profile ActiveChgImp
Check the bootstrap log file located in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/log directory for errors. If no errors Vola you are done importing all users in OID.
Watch out my next post for modifying ActiveChgImp profile. As it has some new steps in IDM version
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Implementation
1. Create a file “create_aduser_container.ldif” containing following lines:
dn: cn=adusers,cn=users,dc=corp, dc=mygrp, dc=com
cn: adusers
objectclass: top
objectclass: orclContainer
description: Container for Enterprise AD Users
2. On the IDM host, execute the following command after replacing the “-h” oidhost and “-p” oidport parameter:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapadd \
-c -v \
-D “cn=orcladmin” \
-f create_aduser_container.ldif
With the above step you can see container adusers in OID.
to be continue .......
Monday, August 4, 2008
Can't Publish Reports in ADI 7.2
"An error occured while attempting to establish an Applications File Server connection.There may be a network configuration problem, or the TNS listener may not be running.Nodename : Hostname"
It is clear something wrong with Apps listener, we tried bouncing it and Run one report like "Active Users" and tried viewing output. It was working, but still ADI Report Publishing was not working. We were clue less what is happening, we thought Names server might be an issue and we bounced Names server too, but that too didn't helped. As truely said if nothing works go and read the readme. We went and look at how ADI select FNDFS values, this is how
"ADI selects the node_name from the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table, appends that value to FNDFS_ and then looks in the TNSNAMES.ora file for 'directions' on what host to go
to and what port to ping for the FNDFS listener service"
So while checking for node_name value we got 2 records, one for virtual host and other one for physical host. That clears our issue, we looked at our concurrent manager node name. Again we have virtual host entry in that. For resolving this without downtime, we add one more entry in names server for virtual host FNDFS_. And vola it worked. But during weekend we took downtime to resolve concurrent manager node_name back to physical host.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
XML Based Concurrent Program -SSLHandshake Error
1. Portal 3.0.9 login server (iAS
2. Siteminder as authentication software.
3. SSL.
4. Concurrent Managers are running on Virtual Host.
The only solution which I found to overcome this situation to move our Concurrent Manger from Virtual Host to Physical Host. Other than that we do not have any other problem in using Virtual host.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Important
1. Understand the current Active Directory DIT (Directory Information Tree). This will help you in bulk load.
2. Get the information for AD Servers.
3. Get Read Only access to AD Servers.
4. Check for Kerberos Services are running on Server where you want to install it. Generally it is running on port 88.
5. Make sure you have fully qualified Domain Name entry added in /etc/hosts Like one below hostname
Once you have above information with you, we are ready for Installation.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Planning-2
There are existing users in Active Directory and user accounts in Oracle E-Business Suite Rel11i installation. Users in Active Directory that access Oracle E-Business Suite Rel11i will need to exist in Oracle Internet Directory.
The process of provisioning users to Active Directory and Oracle E-Business Application Suite is in place at Our Setup. With Oracle Single Sign-On integration planned the provisioning process will remain the same. The diagram below shows Active Directory, Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business Suite and the provisioning and synchronization between the two directories.
User account will be created in Active Directory. The user account will be migrated to Oracle Internet Directory. A user account will need to be created in Oracle E-Business Application Suite using user enrollment method. Minimal information from user account in Active Directory will be unidirectionally migrated from Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory.
The Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle E-Business suite accounts are linked via the auto-link feature.
Now we will move to another section or phase of this document. I will take a break for a while and will come back again with development phase.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle 10g SSO Integration with E-Biz - Planning
Following is the requirement for us :
Integrate existing Oracle E-Business Suite Rel11i replacing existing Netegrity Siteminder as the authentication mechanism. Netegrity Siteminder uses enterprise Active Directory as the user directory. Install and configure Oracle10g Identity Management ( to replace the Netegrity Siteminder as the authentication mechanism.
· Use Oracle10g Identity Management to provide Windows Native Authentication for a seamless user experience, and propagate windows authenticated user identity to Oracle10g Single Sign-On using kerberos protocol.
. Use Oracle10g Identity Management external authentication plug-in as the fallback mechanism for non-kereberos capable browsers authenticating to Oracle E-Business Suite Rel 11i applications.
To achieve the Oracle10g Single Sign-On integration the following activities need to be done:
1. Install Oracle10g Identity Management ( server co-located with Identity MR database or distributed components.
2. Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Rel 11i using Metalink Note 233436.1 Section 6 “Implement Single Sign-On Support For the E-Business Suite”. This step configures Oracle E-Business to delegates authentication to Oracle10g Single Sign-On.
3. Bulk migrate / Synchronize minimal user information from enterprise Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory using Oracle Directory Integration Platform (DIP).
4. Existing accounts in Active Directory and in Oracle E-Business Suite Rel 11i will need to have their FND_USERS.USER_GUID column values set to null. Enable the “Application SSO Auto Link User” or ‘link-on-the-fly’ feature to link the OID user identity with Oracle E-Business Suite Rel11i user account.
Now you might be wondering what is meant by User Account Auto-Link, Here you go :
1. In the single sign-on handshake between Oracle Single Sign-On and Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Single Sign-On returns the GUID of the authenticated user to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i.
2. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i uses the GUID to try to locate User’s Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i application account.
3. If the user is trying to access Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i for the first time, FND_USERS.USER_GUID column value is null. No application account will be found.
4. When the “Application SSO Auto Link User” is set to “Y”, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i will try to locate the user by the account name. If successful, it will link the two accounts by GUID. If not successful, it will redirect the user to “Account Link” page for username to associate.
Continue ........
iRec Resume Parsing issue - SSL Handshake Error
======================================= SSL handshake failed: X509CertChainIncompleteErrat Method)at HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.getSSLSocket( HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.sendRequest( HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.handleRequest( HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.setupRequest( HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.ExtensionMethod( HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection.connect( HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(
We did the following to resolve this issue :
1. ftp server.crt to end user workstation
2. opened server.crt in MSIE
3. Exported each level as an x509 certificate.
==> Upper line = server1.cer
==>2nd line = server2.cer
==> 3rd line = server3.cer
4. ftp [ bin] server3.cer server2.cer server1.cer back to middle tier in $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/verisign directory
5. touch ca.crt
6. cat server3.cer server2.cer server1.cer >> ca.crt
7. copied the ca-bundle.crt from $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt to $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt
8. copied ca.crt and server.crt from $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/verisign to $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt
9. Verified date on server.key in ssl.key directory
10. Bounced Apache [ [stopstart]
11. Tested upload resume > success
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Oracle By Example (OBE)
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Oracle Names Server - version 9i
1. Run the Installaer and choose custom installation, as in standard ones you will not get Names Server.
2. Once the installation is done follow this link to configure it :
3. Start names server and either you can upload all information about you instances to connect via tnsnames.ora or individually add one entry, by netmgr > choose names server > select Manage data > add > enter details > execute.
4. Once you are done with above, just modify your client sqlnet.ora to use your names server.
5. You can test your entry via namesctl command too like this :
NAMESCTL > QUERY alias a.smd
where alias is the name of the alias being used to connect with from the client application
6. Do a tnsping from client PC too.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Oracle Security Issue - DMZ
FND Function Validation Level
FND Validation Level
Framework Validation Level
There default value is "error", as per metalink note: 390203.1 we must not change them. Althought we were running on 11.5.9, but ATG patchset 4, that's why we have these values in our system and that saves us.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Some Tricks with unix command 'Tar'
For online compress of files with gzip
tar cvf - * : gzip > file_name.tar.gz
For testing backup files
gunzip < file_name.tar.gz : tar tvf -
For extracting files from above compress
gunzip < file_name.tar.gz : tar xvf -
For Online extracting of files from compress tar file, this way no need to uncompress it
zcat file_name.tar.Z : tar xvf -
Make sure to replace colon ":" with pipe sign
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
In order to identify any issues, there are several steps to go through:-
1) Gather background information about the environment
Oracle Support need to have a good idea about your environment architecture in order to understand the problem fully.
2) Check latest Java Cache patches have been applied
Release 11i ATG RUP3 patchset was the first release where Java Caching became more noticeably used throughout eBiz. Since then there have been some issues fixed in various patches. It is strongly recommended to apply these patches to resolve the known issues
3) Confirm all eBiz nodes have been configured correctly
It is sometimes possible to misconstrue the required setup, particularly in complex architectures such as through firewalls. It is important to confirm the current setup to ensure all configuration is correct
4) Identify nature and scope of the issue
It may be that Java Caching and Database invalidation itself is functioning correctly, but just one or two specific components are not working. Each different type of data is stored in its own "Component Cache" within the Java Cache and has its own code to control it. For example, profile option changes may be working, but responsibility changes are not. It is important to understand which parts work (if any)
5) Gather additional data to help identify the failure point
Once all the basic checks have been done, the next level of investigation is to to enable detailed logging information. This level of detail does require patient and thorough review to be able to identify the failure point.
Unfortunately due to the complex nature of Java Caching, this may take several iterations of testing and data gathering before any firm conclusions can be reached.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
10giAS SSO Integration issue with 11i -- Followup
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Deleting Patner application in IDM version
We have to use following commands to delete Patner Application from SSO -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME
-site_name TEST
-config_mod_osso TRUE
-update_mode DELETE
-config_file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso-https.conf
Once you are done with above step, its no done yet. You have to re register your SSO Apache URL with following command:
-oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME
-site_name TEST
-config_mod_osso TRUE
-config_file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso-https.conf
Run the command
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
followed by
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
Once you are done with this you will be able to access your SSO URL.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Killing All processes at once
kill -9 `ps -ef : grep -i applmgr : grep -i 889 : grep -v grep : awk '{print $2}'`
ps -efw : grep -i applmgr : grep
Note: Kindly replace colon (:) with pipe sign
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Friday, May 16, 2008 exiting with status 3
One of the issue reported after upgrade. Whenever we try to start Apache it is exiting with status code 3.
$ start version 115.54
Apache Web Server Listener is not running.
Starting Apache Web Server Listener (dedicated HTTP in SSL mode) ...
Apache Web Server Listener (PLSQL) is not running.
Starting Apache Web Server Listener (dedicated PLSQL) ... exiting with status 3
Here is what adapcctl.txt says:
Apache Web Server Listener is not running.
Starting Apache Web Server Listener (dedicated HTTP in SSL mode) ...
/oracle/EDEV/oradev/iAS/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl startssl: httpd started
Apache Web Server Listener (PLSQL) is not running.
Starting Apache Web Server Listener (dedicated PLSQL) ...
Syntax error on line 17 of /oracle/EDEV/oradev/iAS/Apache/modplsql/cfg/plsql_pls.conf:
Cannot load /oracle/EDEV/oradev/iAS/Apache/modplsql/bin/ into server: httpd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
/oracle/EDEV/oradev/iAS/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
Metalink says might be corrupted or you might not be having etc etc. We tried all options but no results. It was erroring out like that only with status code 3. After digging more I realize LD_LIBRARY_PATH which was coming from adovars.env having link to old java 1.1.8. I have to remove those entries and source the env again. After that we were able to resolve this issue. But it was a nice experience which I would like to share with you all.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Unable to Copy files on unix
But when we issue a command cp filea.dbf target_location throws an error. moreover if you do cp file* target_location it worked. I got the issue, which means file has some zunk characters in its name. As its a common dba error while adding dbf files we add space. So I used command cp "filea.dbf " target_location, this time I gave file name under "" with one space after dbf. It worked, but problem didn't end here, we have to rename the datafile too as it has space in it at end.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Update User password field Disable in Apps after 10g SSO Integration
The problem lies in system profile "Application SSO LDAP Synchronization" (APPS_SSO_LDAP_SYNCH). We had this proble disabled at site level, which was causing the issue. After changing this profile at site level to value enabled it worked. So make sure you have this profile enable if you like to use standard feature of password change.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Metalink New Look
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Change Global Preferences for WF Notification Style
Changing Global preferences for notification style
Now Update the record :
Different PREFERENCE_VALUES to select from
MAILATTH == Plain text with HTML attachment
MAILTEXT == Plain Text
SUMMARY == Plain text Summary email
MAILHTML == HTML Mail with attachments
SUMHTML == HTML Summary email
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
PDF Printing general Checks
1. Display has been set properly and you can check that via $echo $DISPLAY at server end. And to make sure from application end too, just run "Print" Concurrent program and give "DISPLAY" as parameter.
2. you must be able to run xclock from server, whether you get output (in case of VNC) or not (in case of Xvfb).
3. Must have issued xhost + to access X server.
4. Software like xpdf or something has to be installed on Server. Which will help to view PDF as output files.
5. Pasta driver must be installed and setup correctly. pasta.cfg must be having reference to PDF software installed in step 4.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
JAVA Mailer not Starting
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainer.handleComponentEvent(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainer.onBusinessEvent(
And I think I know the issue, it was because of autoconfig only, you might be asking why? Our DBA ran autconfig without clearing FND_Nodes table. And as we were running on virtual host (clustering at db tier). It created a mess there. We have duplicate server_id for virtual and active physical host. Server ID for both of them were same, that's the reason Java mailer was not able to start and failing because of above error. Now what, another downtime---- I don't think customer will agree, but this issue is critical how to resolve this without big downtimes for running autoconfig. We raised Sev 1 tar to see if Oracle Support can help on this, but hard luck, they said the same old story of running autoconfig and all. But after spending few minutes, I got the solutions with 10 min of downtime. Here is what I did :
1. Shutdown Concurrent Manager
2. Take a backup of FND_Nodes.
3. Delete Physical host from OAM (OAM > Administrator > Hosts)
4. Register same host again from OAM.
5. Start Concurrent Manager
6. Mailer was working fine after this.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Experience with Enterprise Linux
It gave you an option of checking media (DVD which you just cut) although its not necessary. Rest all went smoother than Windows :-). I was able to finish my installation with in 35 min. I would say its easier and experience so far is good. I am planning to install 11i with 10g RAC on it. Will share my experience with that soon.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
FRM-92101: A failure has occured on the Server
FNDLOAD APPS/password 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct $AP_TOP/patch/115/import/US/ap115fn.ldt
But After this when we tried to access any AP form we are getting "FRM-92101: A failure has occured on the Server" Error. To resolve this we did following
1. Recompile all invalids.
2. Regenerate all AP forms, PLL and Menus.
3. Bounce Services.
It worked after this.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
10giAS SSO Integration issue with 11i -- Followup
cd %ORACLE_HOME%/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso/web/WEB-INF/lib$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/jar tvf ossoui.jar
Although it didn't resolved my issue, but I felt sharing this info.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
DISPLAY Settings
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
10giAS SSO Integration issue with 11i
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Windows XP Shutdown and Reboot Shortcuts
Desktop Reboot Icon
Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -r -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]
Desktop Shutdown Icon
Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -s -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]
Hope you might need it sometime somewhere
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool
Once he rebooted his system and tried login again it works. I am not sure of cause but took it lightly too, thought system made April fool of us !!!
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Relocated to India
Until then Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Load Balancer - Issue accessing some pages
Although I found the workaround to get rid of this issue. Just changed the name from load balancer name to actual host name like from oracle-lb to myhost. It worked !!! Althought I was not able to find the solution why it was not allowing us to go to only WF component page but found workaround to resolve the issue.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Orphan processes in Oracle databases
1. Run this query to find out them:
( SELECT 1 FROM v$session WHERE paddr = addr);
2. Grep what are they and what are they doing :
SELECT '!ps -ef : grep ' spid FROM v$process
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM v$session WHERE paddr = addr);
3. Kill them, if they are not required:
SELECT '!kill -9 ' :: spid FROM v$process
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM v$session WHERE paddr = addr);
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Note: Use Pipe sign in place of colon which I have mentioned in statments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Password expiring Alert
. .env
cd /tmp
sqlplus -S /nolog <<>
connect apps/$APPSPASS
set feedback off
set pages 100
set lines 100
col "username" format a15
col "account_status" format a15
col "profile" format a15
col "LAST_PASSWD_DATE" format a16
col "CHANGE BY" format a16
spool /tmp/userpassword.log
select /*+ RULE */ dd.username,dd.account_status,dd.profile,
dd.created "CREATION_DATE", u.ptime "LAST_PASSWD_DATE",u.ptime+180 "CHANGE BY"
from dba_users dd, sys.user$ u
where dd.USERNAME = u.NAME
and u.ptime <>
and dd.account_status = 'OPEN'
and dd.USERNAME != 'APPLSYSPUB' -- Exception as this account should have the default password
order by dd.created,u.username
spool off
if [ -s /tmp/userpassword.log ] ; then
cat /tmp/userpassword.log mailx -s "Users with Password older than 150 days"
Keep Bugging Users :-)
Keep Troubleshooting !!!
Having issues with JVM
1. jserv.conf
ApJServVMTimeout 180
wrapper.bin.parameters=-verbose:gc -Xmx1024M -Xms256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseTLAB
3. httpd.conf
Timeout 1800
4. ICX:Session Timeout 30 (profile value)
5. zone.propertiessession.timeout=1800000
Note : > 3,4,5 value has to be same
6. JDBC parameter changes in dbc file
7. Bounce Apache after above changes
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user Apps to change password
APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user APPS to change password.
Concurrent request completed
Look at two things:
1. Never start your password other than Alphabatic value.
Even if it doesn't work.
2. change your profile back to default and run FNDCPASS again.
It worked for me...
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Good tool for troubleshooting - HTTPheaders
1. Obtain the HTTP header tracer add-on:
Internet Explorer (IE):
Firefox (FF):
2. Once installed and the browser restarted, start the HTTP header tracing add-on is as follows:
(IE) View -> Explorer Bar -> ieHTTPheaders v1.6
(FF) Tools -> Live HTTP Headers
3. Ensure the HTTP capture buffer is clear before you begin.
(IE) In the "ieHTTPheaders window" -> Right-Click -> Clear
(FF) In the "Live HTTP Headers" -> Click on 'Clear'
4. Once ready, direct the browser to the login page of your environment and proceed to replicate the issue.
5. Save the resulting generated output to a file and upload the results..
(IE) In the "ieHTTPheaders window" -> Right-Click -> 'Save'
(FF) In the "Live HTTP Headers" -> Click on 'Save-All'
Other than above steps, you can type following words in your browser address bar to get cookies info:
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
ORA - 600 -- Look at these Metalink notes for Help
Note 138300.1 "ORA-600 [105]"
Note 263295.1 "ORA-600 [106]"
Note 28104.1 "ORA-600 [504]"
Note 138871.1 "ORA-600 [510]"
Note 138888.1 "ORA-600 [525]"
Note 138939.1 "ORA-600 [711]"
Note 39308.1 "ORA-600 [723]"
Note 31056.1 "ORA-600 [729]"
Note 131490.1 "ORA-600 [733]"
Note 217860.1 "ORA-600 [1013]"
Note 138123.1 "ORA-600 [1100]"
Note 41767.1 "ORA-600 [1113]"
Note 40514.1 "ORA-600 [1114]"
Note 137262.1 "ORA-600 [1115]"
Note 66387.1 "ORA-600 [1158]"
Note 138354.1 "ORA-600 [1236]"
Note 28045.1 "ORA-600 [2103]"
Note 28929.1 "ORA-600 [2662]"
Note 31057.1 "ORA-600 [2845]"
Note 138733.1 "ORA-600 [2865]"
ORA-600 Errors 3001 to 6000
Note 30866.1 "ORA-600 [3020]"
Note 93665.1 "ORA-600 [3668]"
Note 47456.1 "ORA-600 [4000]"
Note 96642.1 "ORA-600 [4036]"
Note 43914.1 "ORA-600 [4137]"
Note 28226.1 "ORA-600 [4146]"
Note 39282.1 "ORA-600 [4193]"
Note 39283.1 "ORA-600 [4194]"
Note 138822.1 "ORA-600 [4400]"
Note 29702.1 "ORA-600 [4414]"
Note 138836.1 "ORA-600 [4454]"
Note 39553.1 "ORA-600 [4511]"
Note 73455.1 "ORA-600 [4512]"
Note 27955.1 "ORA-600 [4519]"
Note 204536.1 "ORA-600 [4820]"
Note 41840.1 "ORA-600 [4882]"
ORA-600 Errors 6001 to 9000
Note 47449.1 "ORA-600 [6002]"
Note 116552.1 "ORA-600 [6034]"
Note 40640.1 "ORA-600 [6101]"
Note 99300.1 "ORA-600 [6122]"
Note 138913.1 "ORA-600 [6193]"
Note 39399.1 "ORA-600 [6731]"
Note 41719.1 "ORA-600 [6856]"
ORA-600 Errors 9001 to 15000
Note 138325.1 "ORA-600 [12209]"
Note 33174.1 "ORA-600 [12235]"
Note 138332.1 "ORA-600 [12261]"
Note 138340.1 "ORA-600 [12304]"
Note 35928.1 "ORA-600 [12333]"
Note 28229.1 "ORA-600 [12700]"
Note 67496.1 "ORA-600 [13009]"
Note:28185.1 "ORA-600 [13013]"
ORA-600 Errors 15001 to 17000
Note 138428.1 "ORA-600 [15160]"
Note 138430.1 "ORA-600 [15201]"
Note 138431.1 "ORA-600 [15203]"
Note 131186.1 "ORA-600 [15212]"
Note 137266.1 "ORA-600 [15419]"
Note 216277.1 "ORA-600 [15456]"
Note 138457.1 "ORA-600 [15709]"
Note 67490.1 "ORA-600 [15851]"
Note 76528.1 "ORA-600 [15868]"
Note 138499.1 "ORA-600 [16201]"
Note 106607.1 "ORA-600 [16365]"
Note 138523.1 "ORA-600 [16515]"
Note 138526.1 "ORA-600 [16607]"
ORA-600 Errors 17001 to 30000
Note 138537.1 "ORA-600 [17003]"
Note 138541.1 "ORA-600 [17012]"
Note 41472.1 "ORA-600 [17034]"
Note 138554.1 "ORA-600 [17059]"
Note 39616.1 "ORA-600 [17069]"
Note 29616.1 "ORA-600 [17090]"
Note 138565.1 "ORA-600 [17099]"
Note 47411.1 "ORA-600 [17112]"
Note 39453.1 "ORA-600 [17113]"
Note 34782.1 "ORA-600 [17114]"
Note 138576.1 "ORA-600 [17128]"
Note 138580.1 "ORA-600 [17147]"
Note 34781.1 "ORA-600 [17148]"
Note 138586.1 "ORA-600 [17172]"
Note 263110.1 "ORA-600 [17175]"
Note 34779.1 "ORA-600 [17182]"
Note 45725.1 "ORA-600 [17271]"
Note 138597.1 "ORA-600 [17274]"
Note 134139.1 "ORA-600 [17280]"
Note 39361.1 "ORA-600 [17281]"
Note 138602.1 "ORA-600 [17285]"
Note 138621.1 "ORA-600 [17585]"
Note 138640.1 "ORA-600 [18209]"
Note 216278.1 "ORA-600 [18261]"
Note 138678.1 "ORA-600 [20084]"
Note 100073.1 "ORA-600 [25012]"
ORA-600 Errors kc
Note 138981.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgcur_2]"
Note 70097.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgcur_3]"
Note 114058.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgcur_9]"
Note 138990.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_4]"
Note 138991.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_5]"
Note 261264.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgtcr]"
Note 248874.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_6]"
Note 233612.1 "ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_12]"
Note 204512.1 "ORA-600 [kcbnew_3]"
Note 216104.1 "ORA-600 [kcbrbo1]"
Note 139011.1 "ORA-600 [kcbzpb_1]"
Note 139012.1 "ORA-600 [kcbzpb_2]"
Note 229467.1 "ORA-600 [kcbzwb_4]"
Note 139013.1 "ORA-600 [kccsbck_first]"
Note 216108.1 "ORA-600 [kcllcu_0]"
Note 263225.1 "ORA-600 [kclwcrs_15]"
Note 76434.1 "ORA-600 [kcoapl_blkchk]"
Note 248718.1 "ORA-600 [kcratr1_lostwrt]"
ORA-600 Errors kd to kw
Note 139037.1 "ORA-600 [kdddgb2]"
Note 139042.1 "ORA-600 [kdisle:nrows]"
Note 139051.1 "ORA-600 [kghalo2]"
Note 139052.1 "ORA-600 [kghasp1]"
Note 139066.1 "ORA-600 [kghxhdr1]"
Note 229809.1 "ORA-600 [kgliep_1]"
Note 66501.1 "ORA-600 [kkrqtab2]"
Note 139095.1 "ORA-600 [kkslgop1]"
Note 139116.1 "ORA-600 [kohdtf048]"
Note 264061.1 "ORA-600 [kqludp2]"
Note 139162.1 "ORA-600 [kssrmp1]"
Note 247822.1 "ORA-600 [ksmals]"
Note 139153.1 "ORA-600 [ksmguard2]"
Note 233864.1 "ORA-600 [kteuproptime-2]"
Note 139180.1 "ORA-600 [ktsgsp5]"
Note 139193.1 "ORA-600 [kttmupd_segment-]"
Note 228480.1 "ORA-600 [kwqitnmptme:read]"
Note 228480.1 "ORA-600 [kwqitnmptme:ready]"
Note 228364.1 "ORA-600 [kwqitnmptme:wait]"
ORA-600 Errors q to z
Note 248095.1 "ORA-600 [qctcte1]"
Note 216273.1 "ORA-600 [qctstc2o1]"
Note 209363.1 "ORA-600 [qerrmofbu1]"
Note 237598.1 "ORA-600 [qertqtableallocate2]"
Note 226887.1 "ORA-600 [qkagby4]"
Note 222876.1 "ORA-600 [qmxiunppacked2]"
Note 244365.1 "ORA-600 [rworupo.1]"
Note 139263.1 "ORA-600 [srsget_1]"
Note 260951.1 "ORA-600 [ttcgcshnd]"
Note 216452.1 "ORA-600 [ttcgcshnd-1]"
Note 216453.1 "ORA-600 [ttcgcshnd-2]"
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
SSL in 11i -- Where all we can have certificates
Application Tier:
Look at httpd.conf file and search for ssl.crt or passkey or ssl.key, you will get the location where these files are stored. Make sure you change your ceritificate in the location mentioned in httpd.conf file.
ssl.crt > contains ca.crt, rootca.crt and server.crt files
ssl.key> contains server.key
passkey> Contains the certificate password
so for Apache certificate if you have above mentioned files it will work.
Now comes Client machine:
We have certificate here too:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\JInitiator\lib\security look at certdb file. Your ca.crt certificate must match with one of certificate in this file.
And look at ceritificate in your browser too:
IE > Internet Options > contents > Ceritficates> Click on tab Trusted Root Certification Authorities> Specially look at Class 2,3 certificate expiry date.
If all the above this are ok, you should not face any issue with Apache and SSL.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Troubleshooting if you have SSO enabled 11i
I would suggest just try this. I have seen many occasion in my Production env giving errors for SSL handshake, each and every pointer in google or metalink is saying something is wrong with root certificate or you didn't imported your root certificate well. I tried it many times, but error remains same.
Now what, I have disabled the SSO and tried login and amazingly it was working fine. But now how to resolve the issue. While looking at certificate I reaslized one off the certificate in client end, means my System has some issue. I have reinstalled that from server and re-enabled my SSO .... vola it worked !!!!!!!
I know you might feel its imaginery situation, but it always works.
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Enabling Debug for Discoverer 4i
Put following lines in file and restart services
AFLOG_MODULE=" fnd.src.osd.afenv"
Happy Trobleshooting !!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Orphan Profiles in Oracle Apps
col profile_option_name format a40
col "Orphan ID" format a10
v.level_value "Server Orphan",
v.level_value2 "ServResp Orphan",
10005, 'Server',
10007, 'ServResp',
'Other') LEVEL_SET,
fnd_profile_options p,
fnd_profile_option_values v,
fnd_profile_options_tl n
p.profile_option_name = n.profile_option_name
and p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id (+)
( /* check Server level */
and v.level_value > 0
and v.level_value
not in
fnd_nodes f
or /* check ServResp level */
and (v.level_value2 is not null)
and (v.level_value2 > 0)
and v.level_value2
not in
fnd_nodes f
Now what, if you get some rows: Do this
alter trigger APPS.FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES_AD disable;
delete from fnd_profile_option_values
level_id = 10005
and level_value in (Value of Node);
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Apache Debug
1. Shut the HTTP Server (Apache/iAS) down. - You can grep for the 'httpd' process to verify it is down
2. Rename (or delete) the following files so we get a fresh copy of them:
Now we will turn on debugging in the log files:
3. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf file. Search for the parameter:
ApJServLogLevel notice
Change the 'notice' to 'debug'
4. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file. Search for the following section:
Change this to be log=true
To be:
5. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf file. Search for:
Set the LogLevel to 'debug' from its current value.
6. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd_pls.conf file (if it exists). Search for the following parameter
LogLevelSet the LogLevel to 'debug' from its current value.
7. In the servlet.framework.initArgs=debuglevel=1
8. Start the HTTP Server
Happy Troubleshooting !!!
Finding Huge files
This command will list top 10 directory from parent directory
du -ks * sort -rn head -10
This command will list out all files greater than mentioned size.
find . -size +10240
Keep Troubleshooting !!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Old Oracle Apps 11i Looks
Change the following profiles at user level first-
"Java Look and Feel " to oracle and
"Java Color Scheme" to blaf
If it works for you then change it Site level to have others enjoy the same.!!!
Keep Troubleshooting !!!
Script for Checking Java Mailer Status
#Script to monitor WF Mailer Status
. .env
cd /tmp
sqlplus /nolog << EOF
connect apps/password
set heading off
set pages 0
set feedback off
spool monitor_mailer.lst
where COMPONENT_ID='10006';
spool off
MONITOR=`grep -v "SQL>" monitor_mailer.lstsed s/\ //g`
if [ $MONITOR != "RUNNING" ] ; then
echo $MONITOR mailx -s "WFMAILER: Check Workflow Mailer STATUS"
/bin/rm -f /tmp/monitor_mailer.lst
-----------------------Script End -------------------------------------------------
Put this in crontab for every 10 min or so. It will send a status whenever its not running. No more OAM checking !!!!
Note: This has been tested in Sun Solaris
Keep Troubleshooting !!!
Apps Password changed from sqlplus
Do this :
1. Change to old apps password via sqlplus;
SQL> Alter user apps identified by oldappspasswd;
2. Run autoconfig with this password in all tiers.
3. Restore customizations if any.
4. Start all services and you all set to login to your apps frontend login.
Hope this helps you all.
Keep Troubleshooting !!!