Thursday, February 28, 2008

APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user Apps to change password

You might encounter this error while changing apps or other product password using FNDCPASS.

APP-FND-02704: Unable to alter user APPS to change password.
Concurrent request completed

Look at two things:

1. Never start your password other than Alphabatic value.

Even if it doesn't work.

2. change your profile back to default and run FNDCPASS again.

It worked for me...

Happy Troubleshooting !!!


Unknown said...

Hi Sandeep,

How do we change the profile back to the default?..

Sundeep Dubey said...

Hi Mahesh,
I was talking about default profile at database level, if by any chance you made any changes in profile for user. Check in DBA_PROFILES.


sean poulter said...

thanks, it resolved my issue by not having special character in the password!!