Sunday, October 18, 2009

MWA server in R12

If you are suppose to run MWA server in R12 you might feel like something is missing here from 11i. So just read it and you will be able to handle it.
Prior to R12:
1. The MWA server startup files were located under "$MWA_TOP/bin" directory.
2. The MWA Server configuration files were located under "$MWA_TOP/secure" directory.
In R12
1. Scripts are under $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
2. Config files are under $INST_TOP/admin/install

Here are few commands and which we used to use in 11i, this is how we are going to use them in R12:
1. Startup the MWA server start
2. Shutdown the MWA server -login adminuid/pwd stop_force
3. Startup MWA Dispatcher start_dispatcher
4. Shutdown MWA Dispatcher stop_dispatcher

By default these scripts were not included in and scripts. To add them enable
1. s_other_service_group_status
2. s_mwastatus
in context file and run autoconfig.

If you want to check port number for mwa. Look at following paramters in context file:
1. s_mwaPortNo.
2. s_mwaTelnetPortNo.

Happy Troubleshooting !!!

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